Thursday, July 19, 2007


A thousand times I've failed,
Still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame.
(Hillsongs Australia)

Tonight was so amazing. We had "Night of Worship and Communion" at Buckhead Church and it was, as always, extremely moving. I found myself in tears at least 50 percent of the time but it was well needed and worth it. At one point, they showed a video of various lead worshippers sharing what worship means to them personally. Moxie Davis, a regular at BC, said something that struck a particular chord with me. He commented that when he is worshipping God, he pictures how pleasing it is to the Lord when he gives praise wholeheartedly, and how much God enjoys our worship when we truly mean it.

Tonight they set up the foyer of the church with various stations including "Worship through Art" and "Worship through Taste." I am often moved deeply by worship, especially the kind that includes music. I think it's because music moves me in my soul. I can identify not only with the meaningful lyrics, but also the rhythms and melodies that God has gifted someone to create in order to help us worship Him through music. When I think about the words I'm singing, and how it honors God to sing those love songs to Him, like a special gift that we give right in that moment---I feel a wave of emotion wash over me and it's a huge release.

Tonight as I stood in that auditorium, it was as if I could sense the hurting people around me. I thought about how I wished that I could take the pain and hurt away from many of my friends, and how I would just about give anything to help them not feel that pain or experience what they are going through. All of this was what I was feeling during worship, and then suddenly it hit me. This is how God felt so long ago when His relationship with us was interrupted. Every time I choose to disobey Him, or dishonor Him, it's as if I am causing Him all this grief and pain. How sad that must make Him! Yet He chose to take that pain off my shoulders and bear it for me by sending Jesus. And it was in that moment that I truly began to see what worship was all's about thanking a God who gave us exactly what we didn't deserve---a second chance at a relationship with the Creator of the universe who just happens to be madly in pursuit of a love relationship with us.

Funny word, grace. In ancient Greek, the word CHARIS means "grace, kindness." But in modern Greek, the same word means "behalf." Who knew God was a linguist? God's grace is epitomized in the fact that he showed us the ultimate kindness by sacrificing His only Son on our behalf.

And that's a story that is everlasting.


Lisa said...

Amen! Thanks for sharing your heart. That was beautiful and encouraging to my heart. Love you!

RomaniaSPD 2007 said...

ok..that almost made me cry..I am tearing up a bit.