Sunday, April 13, 2008

Things I Used to Believe about God

This weekend was Passion Regionals in Atlanta and I had the opportunity to volunteer. It was an amazing weekend of renewal mixed with personal challenge. Speakers included Louie Giglio and Francis Chan and worship leaders Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall and David Crowder. God was certainly glorified!

So today I started reading Francis's new book, Crazy Love, which I picked up at the conference. I've only read the first chapter, and already I'm starting to remember the untruths I believed about God, Christians and the Church when I was growing up. I'm not blaming my church; without them I wouldn't have necessarily experienced the fundamentals that I now take for granted (I'm learning that over and over, and repenting for it!). Don't get me wrong; my parents never taught me these things overtly, nor did the church. However, here are the top 5 myths about God, Christians and the Church that I came up with:

1. God is big and powerful, and he lives up in Heaven, but is somewhat disconnected from us.

2. To be a Christian, there are all kinds of rules to follow, most of which involve a long list of things not to do.

3. Church is where Christians go on Sunday and if you don't go, you'd better be hospitalized or gravely ill.

4. Don't hang around people who don't go to church because they will be a bad influence on you.

5. Worship = Hymns (verses 1, 2 and 4) or Latin Songs that nobody understands.

Now this may all seem absurd to some of you, but how many of us are still living as if these "myths" are reality? For example, how many of us have meaningful relationships with people who aren't believers? Or how many feel that God takes attendance at church every Sunday and if you're not there, you'll be punished? And I'd venture to say that lots of believers say that they have a relationship with God, but still feel at times, really disconnected from Him.

I'm confessing now with a repentant heart that I do not believe these lies anymore. God is very near to my heart now, and having a relationship with Him isn't about what NOT to do, but rather how to ENJOY His love and all He can do through me. I missed church today, but still had fellowship with Him and other believers. I am intentional in developing relationships with those who don't yet know the love of Christ. And I know worship can involve singing, clapping, jumping (as demonstrated by the students at Passion!), out now...raising your hands! Who would have known?!

Psalm 100 (The Message)

A Thanksgiving Psalm
1-2 On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter,
sing yourselves into his presence.

3 Know this: God is God, and God, God.
He made us; we didn't make him.
We're his people, his well-tended sheep.

4 Enter with the password: "Thank you!"
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him.

5 For God is sheer beauty,
all-generous in love,
loyal always and ever.


Mollie said...

I so feel where you're coming from...although I may have learned variations on some of those myths and to different degrees. Church has become a real struggle at times, but my relationship with God and my faith in Him remain unchanged. And the list of things not to do, has become a positive: live a live that is honoring to Him.

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing those. I think one of the biggest myths we believe is that we're saved by grace (true), but our sanctification is dependent on our works (not true!). We would never deny that it is faith alone that saves us, but we think God's opinion of us today depends on our doing a bunch of good things- quiet times, going to church like you mentioned, etc. I've been learning over the past few years that even our sanctification is all grace...that He is the one at work in me. Somehow I start taking credit for things when I'm "doing good" when in reality I can do nothing apart from the grace of God at work in me.
Anyway, just thought I would add that in. : ) Thanks for sharing your heart with honesty. I love reading that, and I love you!