Thursday, April 17, 2008

10 Random Facts

For your entertainment, here are 10 random facts about me. My roommate did this a few months ago, and so I'm going to follow suit. Those who know me well may know a few of these tidbits, but I've tried to put in some more interesting, lesser-known facts too! Hope you enjoy!

1. My father is a professional magician and writer. And yes, I did say MAGICIAN, not musician. He does, however, play the guitar very occasionally and sings all the time in the car. Dad performs around 400 educational school magic programs each year and has written around 80 books on entertaining and educating children through magic. He also travels around the world lecturing on magic and selling magical props, books, and other resources. Don't believe me? Check out his website:

2. I really love travel bags and accessories. Meaning, I like backpacks, magazine bags, any kind of travel bag really. And other travel accessories like Nalgene bottles, packing cubes, etc. I have to remind myself that I do not need a new bag for each trip. The Eddie Bauer backpack from Target has lasted me through Australia, France and all over the U.K. so far!

3. I have a need to be clean. If you know me at all, you are probably rolling your eyes or nodding your head until it nearly falls off. But see, when I was a kid, I played in the creek behind my house and made mud pies. This is shocking because I used to run around and get sweaty and dirty, but now, not so much. I used to catch salamanders, but Mom would never let me keep them. I clean my house...often. I enjoy purchasing cleaning products. I think I get this from my Mom. However, through the kitchen renovation, God has brought me to a new places where now "clean" doesn't have to mean "perfect." I've let it go a lot. I'm a work in progress.

4. I love HGTV and TLC. My roommate can attest to this. I actually really enjoy watching the real estate and home makeover shows. And What Not to Wear. Classic.

5. I have a degree in music but I can't really play the piano much. Yes, it's true. I took piano lessons from grade 2, but after I got the basics, I think I lost interest. I can practice and play things okay, but honestly, I prefer not to!

6. I used to want to be a writer. Except all my stories were lame and had the same plot. They were about big families with cleverly named children who lived in houses like the one in Father of the Bride on the perfect street in the perfect neighborhood. I think they were about that because I was an only child and I had a small family and lived in a normal-sized house. I also used to want to train whales like at Sea World. But then I realized you had to know a lot about science to do that, and I don't really dig science too much...

7. My love languages are Quality Time and Physical Touch. So basically I love getting hugs and hanging out. I love being around people. I love talking and listening to people. I thrive on activities with others. I'm not a loner.

8. Somewhere inside me, I honestly wish that life worked out like most romantic comedies or Broadway musicals. I mean, to have your life depicted through song and enjoy the sappy, amazing ending? Come on. We all want that, right?

9. I have terrible stage fright. Now don't get me wrong. I can sing on stage, mike in hand, no problem. But as far as acting, or talking on freaks me out. I was only in one musical in high school and I was in the "ensemble," which is a fancy word for "background chorus." It's a weird phenomenon. When I was a child, I was often given speaking parts in our church and school plays, and even played the lead in a version of A Christmas Carol. I could memorize anything. The problem now is that I realize that I might forget my lines, and people may actually laugh at me. Can't bear that.

10. The first songs I ever learned to sing (in the car with my Dad, no doubt) were Mr. Robato by Styx and De Do Do Do De Da Da Da by The Police. That's where my music education really began.

1 comment:

The Wyatts said...

I love reading about you! Some of those things I knew already but had forgotten. Hope all is well with you!