Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dad & Me

I have the coolest Dad. As you probably know, he's a magician. Thus the rabbit. We used to go to these magic conventions when I was a kid, you know, with ventriloquists, puppeteers, clowns and of course magicians. I performed with Dad when I was younger too...my signature trick was the sword basket. I would get in this wicker basket and dad would shove all these swords through at different angles, then step in the basket as if I had disappeared. Tricky.

So I told Dad a few months ago I wanted to go to one of those conventions or lectures with him in the future. He travels a lot doing his lectures to other children's entertainers/magicians/clowns about how to do what he does. He also sells his products, tricks, books, DVDs, etc.

Dad has taken me up on the offer! In a few weeks, we are heading to New Jersey for one of Dad's lectures and I will help him out. Then we're taking the Amtrak train to Washington D.C. for his next lecture. That will be so much fun because we both love trains. Then we'll fly home. It will be a proper father/daughter weekend. Good times, good times! Now...if I can just remember how to deal with all those crazy magicians!


Julie Tiemann said...

How fun!! Have a great time with your dad!

BTW, the mental picture of you in that wicker basket - priceless!

Joanie said...

Fun! I love your Dad, too!