Monday, March 3, 2008

What God's Doing...

Me and Kathy at the Gladiators Game

God is so good. Lately, I've been feeling his love in a big way. This past week has been very instrumental in my feeling that way. On Tuesday I received a call from my team leader for the Kenya trip. We have our first team meeting on Saturday! I'm so excited! I just can't get enough of the fact that in just a few short months I'll be standing on the African continent, embracing children and serving them in whatever way possible.

God is also doing things in my friendships, especially with my good friend Kathy (in my profile picture). We've had some really deep, personal conversations this week and I just love the fact that God draws us together with people at just the right seasons of our lives. Just further evidence that He cares for us in a very personal way. He's so awesome like that...

1 comment:

Julie Tiemann said...

I can't WAIT to hear more about this trip, friend!!!