Monday, March 22, 2010

"Little Gems from the Healthcare Bill"

If you're not already REALLY concerned about the new Healthcare bill that just passed, you ought to be. Check out some of the highlights we'll soon be enjoying (starting in as early as 6 months!), in plain English:

As one friend commented on facebook: "One nation, under Canada, above Mexico, with socialism and injustice for all!"



Ashley said...

That is SO scary. I actually said "WHAT?!" at page 59. Thanks for posting.

Autumn said...

I know. I'm not sure how up-to-date this info is, but I am VERY sure that it took me a long time online to find ANY direct info about this Bill. It's been very underhanded all the way. Even on it did not give much REAL info. They sugarcoat everything. I had to laugh at, "This tax shall not be treated as a tax." What? It's a sad day in the USSA, ha!