Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Composers vs. Jeans

After teaching a somewhat excrutiating lesson to my fifth graders today on recorder, I played for the class the next song they will work on which is "Ode to Joy," of course from Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

I said, "Most of y'all have heard that song before, haven't you?" The students voiced their agreement with my statement.

Then I said, "Who thinks they can name the composer of that piece? It's someone very famous that you may have heard of before."

From the back of the room came a loudly bellowed answer, "LEVI STRAUSS!"

Sigh. This student was clearly thinking of Johann Strauss, renowned for composing many waltzes. Sadly, they weren't in the right ballpark.

Yep. That's my funny of the day. Just ask your local Levi's store if they can play Ode to Joy. Sigh.


Something tells me these guys didn't ever wear a pair of these:

1 comment:

Julie Tiemann said...

Hee hee. You gotta give him credit for trying. ;)