Tuesday, February 24, 2009

School Here and School There

As I go throughout my day here at Shiloh, I keep thinking that even if our pencils are out of erasers, at least we have pencils to start with. And even if the kids don't love the cafeteria food, at least they have meals fed to them here at school twice a day.
The feeding program started by Brightpoint in Ngaamba is an amazing thing. Now these wonderful kids pictured above get a hot meal at lunch each day at Itumbule Primary School. Before, many only ate once per day. Change is coming to Ngaamba. First the water, now the feeding program. The 410 Bridge has even split Ngaamba into it's six villages to start various projects in each area.
I'm so excited to be a part of this wave of change. Our Kenya team met for the first time on Sunday afternoon and I am very excited. Of the 39 participants, 2/3 have been to Kenya and are returning for more; at least 1/3 are teachers! At my table alone was a high school art teacher, two fifth grade teachers and a fourth grade teacher. Only 5 of the 39 are married and there are no students coming on this trip. I know it will be different, but I am still just jumping out of my skin to land in Nairobi and ride around on those bumpy roads all over again.
School here, School there. Team meetings here, team serves there...God is here...and God is there.


Lisa said...

Hadn't checked your blog in a while...so glad to hear you're going back to Kenya. Thanks for sharing your heart for those amazing people! Love you!

Julie Tiemann said...

I'm SO excited for you!!