Please say a prayer for our friends, The Stallsmiths, who are missionaries in Manila, Phillipines with Wycliffe. Fortunately, they have not suffered any hardship or damage of any kind to their new home. But many others are not as fortunate. These are pictures they sent us over the weekend. Please pray for all the families affected! More details are below the pics!
Thank you very much to those who checked on our safety here in Manila. We are grateful to report that we are doing well and were unaffected by the two recent storms. No water entered our house. We did not get stranded anywhere. The power and water stayed on to our house during the entire ordeal. Last Friday and Saturday (September 25 & 26) Tropical Storm Ondoy (aka Ketsana) dropped a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. Waters rose quickly, trapping people on their rooftops or in their vehicles. Families were separated, caught on opposite sides of the Pasig River. Hundreds died. Hundreds of thousands are homeless. Classes were called off all week, with many schools used as evacuation centers for the victims. We could write pages of stories about our friends who were affected. Here is just a sample:
~One of our Filipino employees who works in our library had water at chest-height in her home. Her husband put their baby daughter in a washing machine to let her float above the flood waters.
~The wife of a different employee noticed a large crack in the neighbor’s house. She insistently knocked at their door and warned them to leave the house. Within seconds of leaving the house, it collapsed down the hillside.
~A Wycliffe missionary friend lost everything she owned when the 10-foot high waters entered her house. There was an oil spill nearby, so the floodwaters left a slimy slick over everything. Many other people were at least able to salvage their clothes, but our friend had to throw away everything.
Please keep praying!