Friday, September 25, 2009

My New Favorite Thing!

From P.S. 22 in Staten Island, NY

And check them out here too:

Guess I got my work cut out for me! HA!

More NJ pics!

Dad prepping the space for lecture.
Double decker train (not ours)
Our train! Yay!
Metropark Station sign on the platform
Dad with magician and friend, Dick Swanby

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Jersey & DC With Dad!

What a great weekend with Dad! We decided we should do it again. I got to meet lots of other clowns and magicians and enjoyed watching Dad in his element. A good time was had by all! Getting ready to ride the train from NJ to DC!
All the stops our train made...a 3 hour trip total!

Ticket booth!
Dad's table of magic props & tricks for sale
Dad preparing his lecture (and "Magic with a Smile" Glen helping)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Return of Plumpy*Nut

I get things in the mail from World Vision just about every week. I sponsor a girl in Albania, but they have regular mailouts to ask for donations towards particular agendas. But what I got yesterday made my heart happy. World Vision is now purchasing and distributing Plumpy*Nut!!! In case you didn't get a really cool email from me earlier this year about this amazing product, basically it's a peanut-based paste full of vitamins and minerals that is basically saving lives in Africa. This product can essentially take a child who is so malnourished that he is on the brink of death, and put weight on him in just days. The nutritious packet is made by locals in the countries where it is distributed, thus providing even more jobs. Additionally, the packets can keep for a long time which means they can be transported without spoiling. Kids love the sweet taste and even toddlers can feed themselves (like in the photo above). If you're interested in learning more about donating through World Vision to the cause of Plumpy*Nut, click here to watch a short video on it and see how to give:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Apparently the Swine Flu has gotten a bit out of hand...
Mom sent me this from work this morning. Classic!